Sunday, March 6, 2011

Postcards from Paradise: Where Sky and Water Meet

Sunset at Bosque del apache NWR, NM by Vandana Rajagopalan with kind permission of the photographer.

The Fish

There is a fish
that stitches
the inner water
and the outer water together.

Bastes them
with its gold body’s flowing.

A heavy thread
follows that transparent river,
secures it—
the broad world we make daily,
daily give ourselves to.

Neither imagined
nor unimagined,
neither winged nor finned,
we walk the luminous seam.
Knot it.
Flow back into the open gills.

~By Jane Hirshfield

About the Photographer: Vandana Rajagopalan

“I am from India, born in New Delhi,and living in the US for quite a few years now. I am a hematologist-medical oncologist and amateur photographer. I live in Rockford, Illinois.
I love to fight cancer with a passion; I love to use the word 'cure', and though I have more opportunities today than ever before, it is not as much as I would like. There always has to be more. In some of these moments which may be a little depressing, it is Photography that comes to my rescue. It rejuvenates me, shows me a better world, makes me happier, a better oncologist and a better person.”
~Written by Vandana (Taken from her website)

You can see more of her beautiful images at

Postcards from Paradise is the vision of  Rebecca Brooks who would like to see these Sunday blog posts become, “a walk from post to post with the opportunity to rest in reflection together...a walk of peace, that [she hopes ]will grow and comfort many." Bearing that in mind, please stop over at  Recuerda mi Corazon! You will be so glad you did.

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