Thursday, March 3, 2011

Haiku My Heart: God’s Subway

SubwayPanoGod’s Subway by Miles Morgan (mm767cap) Used by kind permission

It's a place called "The Subway", in Zion National Park, Utah.  About a 5 mile hike up a branch of the virgin river, you come to this spot which is an old lava tube.  During the afternoon hours, the sun will reflect off the red walls of the canyon and shine up the tube, looking like an oncoming subway.. hence the name! ~Miles Morgan (Photographer)

Eruption of Light~

Journey to the Underworld?

~Just a Subway ride.

~Noelle Renee 3/3/11


For more wonderful Haiku My Heart poetry and beautiful images, please visit Rebecca at Recuerda mi Corazon. We are an open and inclusive community of people who love beauty in verse, image and sound. Anything you would like to bring is welcome, and we would love for you to join us. Come Haiku won’t you?

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