Saturday, March 19, 2011

Postcards From Paradise: What Has Fallen Soon Must Rise: Love Offerings for Japan In Her Time Of Great Need

Last Light Ursula AbreschLast Light by Ursula I Abresch
Why did you vanish
into empty sky?
Even the
fragile snow,
when it falls,
falls in this world.
Izumi Shikibu
Fallen Ursula Abresch“The Fallen” by Ursula I Abresch
Which is the least unreliable
among fickle things—
the swift rapids,
a flowing river,
or this
human world
Izumi Shikibu
In My GardenIn My Garden III by Ursula I Abresch
This body
grown fragile
reed cut from its roots . . .
If a stream would ask me
to follow, I'd go, I think.

~Ono no Komachi,9th century
signs of spring Ursula I Abresch“Signs of Spring” by Ursula I Abresch with Kind Permission
This life of ours would not cause you sorrow
if you thought of it as like
the mountain
which bloom and fade in a day.
Mission To Help Bring AID and Comfort To Japan:
 The Aquatic Angels  is a fundraising team that has formed online in an effort to help the wonderful and deserving people of Japan who need our mercy, compassion and care.  We are giving you the opportunity to Join Us in Offering the Japanese People, who have faced the disaster of both Earthquake and Tsunami ~ Shelter, Comfort, Warmth and a Chance at Human Dignity in the Face of True Disaster. If you would like to help  our team, Aquatic Angels,~ simply Sponsor us, by clicking on any one of the  colored links in the poems  above or the team name link in this paragraph or any of the “shelter colored links.  In addition, there is a ShelterBoxUSA Logo at the bottom of my blogsite page. It says “ShelterBoxUSA” and Aquatic Angels Team. You may click on the Logo as well.

Clicking will take you to a page for where you may donate whatever you can afford to help us in our goal to purchase A Second Shelterbox for $1,000 dollars (the cost of one box is $1,000 for contents and deployment). We are deeply grateful to those who have helped us reach our first goal to send one box off to Japan. Many Thanks to You Compassionate Friends!  Arigatou gozaimasu! Each ShelterBox can provide Shelter, comfort, warmth, survival and dignity for an extended family of 10 people! We want to continue to offer hope to children and families who currently do not see a brighter tomorrow! Thank you for your kindness and compassion. May the One who loves us and cares for all our needs watch over you and your family.
Blessings and Light,
Noelle Renee ~ Team Captain ~ Aquatic Angels
Here is a short and very informative film on Shelterbox and what they do. (a little over 5 min.) You may enlarge it.
Here is the facebook link for ShelterBox as well:
Here is a great article by Gizmodo about what is in the box!5781768/whats-inside-the-shelter-boxes-going-to-japan

ShelterBox A Decade of Disaster Relief


~Jane Hirshfield and Mariko Arantani - The Ink Dark Moon: Love Poems by Ono No Komachi and Izumi Shikibu

~Murasaki Shikibu’s poem is taken from Kenneth Rexroth’s Translations from Japanese
~All Photographs are used with the Generous Permission of Ursula I Abresch who wishes to offer, “maybe, just a little bit of beauty and comfort to the devastation in Japan.” We are blessed by her work and Thank her!
~Arigatou gozaimasu, Ursula!

~Ursula I Abresch ~Photographer

~For More Postcards from Paradise, Please Sojourn to Recuerda mi Corazon where you will find beautiful images and messages to think about and ponder.

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