Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Share the Joy Thursday: Women in Trees


On Every Leaf of Every Tree

The air around was trembling bright
and full of dancing specks of light
While butterflies were dancing too
Between the shining green and blue
I might not watch, I might not stay
I ran along the meadow way.

532The straggling brambles caught my feet
The clover field was, oh! so sweet;
I heard a singing in the sky,
and busy things went buzzing by;
and how it came I cannot tell,
but all the hedges sang as well.

529Along the clover field I ran
To where the little wood began,
and there I understood at last
Why I had come so far, so fast
On every leaf of every tree
A Fairy sat and smiled at me!
By Rose Fyleman


Note: It gives me great joy to see how closely the natural world resembles the human female form in all its glory.


(Okay, this last one isn’t a fairy, but it was too beautiful to leave out. )

See Meri’s Musings for more Share the Joy Thursday posts

1 comment:

  1. Hi! I was wondering if you could tell me where the 3rd picture is from? It looks like the signature starts with a G but can't tell. Anyway I really liked all the pictures!
