Thursday, May 26, 2011

Haiku My Heart: A Lucky Misadventure


Un cycliste ailé
Sur mésaventure chance
Lui offre les étoiles

~Noelle Renee 5/26/11

A winged bicyclist
On lucky misadventure
Offers her the stars.

~Noelle Renee


The story you are about to watch for the next three minutes and a few seconds is one that reminds us that although we might often meet by chance, we are not meant to be alone, and once we know the warmth and kindness of being loved, appreciated and included, we cannot go back to a solitary existence.

“Love alone is capable of uniting living beings in such a way as to complete and fulfill them, for it alone takes them and joins them by what is deepest in themselves”

Teilhard de Chardin


Sabrina’s words: 

My third year film at Calarts, but made mostly at Gobelins school in France, where I am studying abroad for the semester.
The story of an anemic little recluse of a girl who makes a friend at the expense of her ceiling.

For more wonderful Haiku My Heart posts please visit Rebecca at Recuerda mi Corazon. I promise your experiences will be a happy one.

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