Sunday, May 15, 2011

Postcards from Paradise: Briefly it Enters, and Briefly Speaks


Briefly It Enters, and Briefly Speaks

by Jane Kenyon

 Octavio Ocampo “Mouth of the Flower”

I am the blossom pressed in a book,
found again after two hundred years. . . .
“Buddha” by Octavio Ocampo

I am the maker, the lover, and the keeper. . . . 
Wakeful Rabbit by Maggie Taylor

When the young girl who starves sits down to a table she will sit beside me. . . . 

 I am food on the prisoner's plate. . .


I am water rushing to the wellhead, filling the pitcher until it spills. . . .

The Patient Gardener by Maggie Taylor

I am the patient gardener of the dry and weedy garden. . . .

I’m Grown Up Now by Maggie Taylor

I am the stone step, the latch, and the working hinge. . . .

David LaChapelle

I am the heart contracted by joy. . .

the longest hair, white before the rest. . . .

Many Pretty Things by Maggie Taylor


I am there in the basket of fruit presented to the widow. . . .

 Ecstasy of lilies by Octavio Ocampo

I am the musk rose opening unattended, the fern on the boggy summit. . . .

Kiss of the Sea by Octavio Ocampo

I am the one whose love overcomes you, already with you when you think to call my name. . . .

~Jane Kenyon

(collected Poems 2005)

More about Jane Kenyon’s life here

For more Postcards from Paradise Please go to Recuerda mi Corazon for a heavenly experience!

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