Thursday, March 10, 2011

Haiku My “Little Yellow Heart”

LittleYellowHeart“Little Yellow Heart” Ursula I Abresch  ~ by permission of the artist


Deep in the Forest,

A Little , Yellow Heart Lies

Dappled by Blue Rain.

~Noelle Renee 3/10/11


 Notes from the Photographer’s blog about her work:

Shot this past October (October 2010), 3 bracketed shots, handheld (usually not a good idea, but I didn’t have my tripod with me), evening light, old manual focus lens. Besides not having the tripod, I had the camera in the wrong “white balance” setting.

I’ve been thinking since October how to fix the weird colours. Yesterday I decided to enjoy them as they are. I blended the 3 images in Photomatix, intensified the colours further in PS, and here it is.

~Ursula  I Abresch

For More Haiku My Heart Please visit Recuerda Mi Corazon, Rebecca’s blog. We are a very inclusive group who welcomes participation and community sharing in image, word and song. Please join us for haiku, won’t you? Please click on the Heart photo below to learn more about us.

rebecca's heart

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