Tuesday, March 29, 2011

The Deluge: Prayers and Offerings of Love for Japan


Scavaig Shores (1)Scavaig Shores” With the Kind Permission of Ian Munro

 The Deluge

by G. K. Chesterton

Though giant rains put out the sun,
Here stand I for a sign.
Though earth be filled with waters dark,
My cup is filled with wine.
Tell to the trembling priests that here
Under the deluge rod,
One nameless, tattered, broken man
Stood up, and drank to God.
Sun has been where the rain is now,
Bees in the heat to hum,
Haply a humming maiden came,

Tempest II (1)Tempest II” With Kind Permission of Ian Munro

Now let the deluge come:
Brown of aureole, green of garb,
Straight as a golden rod,
Drink to the throne of thunder now!
Drink to the wrath of God.
High in the wreck I held the cup,
I clutched my rusty sword,
I cocked my tattered feather
To the glory of the Lord.
Not undone were the heaven and earth,
This hollow world thrown up,
Before one man had stood up straight,
And drained it like a cup.



The Photographer

Ian has been creating images since 2007 and is continuing to progress. His love is landscape images but, he also enjoys experimental photography with digital manipulation. Ian is a self taught photographer with a keen eye for Welsh landscapes. He is a member of Inn Focus Camera Group in Brynmawr, South Wales and, he has recently won The Presidents Trophy for "Best Mono Print" at the Welsh Salon Awards.

Note from Noelle: Ian has been generous enough to lend us these beautiful images to help the People of Japan who are so desperately in need of our help. We thank him for his kindness and generosity. Hands reach across the world from all four corners to offer compassion and charity of heart. Arigatou gozaimasu, Ian. Thank you for being a friend to Japan and to me

A person walks under snow through the March 11 earthquake and tsunami stricken town of Yamada, Iwate Prefecture, northern Japan on Wednesday, March 23, 2011. (AP Photo/Yomiuri Shimbun, Tetsuya Kikumasa)

A Buddhist monk prays for the victims of the March 11 earthquake and tsunami in Higashi Matsushima, Japan on March 22, 2011.(Reuters/Yuriko Nakao)http://www.theatlantic.com/infocus/2011/03/japan-earthquake-two-weeks-later/100034/

Mission To Help Bring AID and Comfort To Japan:
The Aquatic Angels  is a fundraising team that has formed online in an effort to help the wonderful and deserving people of Japan who need our mercy, compassion and care.  We are giving you the opportunity to Join Us in Offering the Japanese People, who have faced the disaster of both Earthquake and Tsunami ~Shelter, Comfort, Warmth and a Chance at Human Dignity in the Face of True Disaster. If you would like to help  our team, Aquatic Angels,~ simply Sponsor us by clicking on any one of the  colored links in the poem above or the team name link in this paragraph or any of the “shelter colored links and offering whatever  gift of Love your heart leads you to give.  In addition, there is a wonderful image of a Japanese doll  taken by my teammate Rebecca Brooks at the bottom of my blog page.  It says “ShelterBoxUSA” and Aquatic Angels Team. You may click on her as well to reach the Aquatic Angels’ team page.

Here is a short CNN film on ShelterBox featuring its founder, Tom Henderson, who was a CNN hero last year in Haiti’s crisis, now making another heroic effort in Japan. Please watch.

Clicking  on the links will take you to a page for ShelterBoxusa.org where you may donate whatever you can afford to help us reach our current $2000 dollar goal. The cost of packing and deploying one Shelterbox is $1,000 USD. Each ShelterBox can provide Shelter, comfort, warmth, survival and dignity for an extended family of 10 people! We thank everyone who has already contributed to this effort for your kindness and generosity. We want to continue to offer hope to children and families who currently do not see a brighter tomorrow! Thank you for your compassion and Love!

ShelterBox: A Decade of Disaster Relief

So that you know exactly where your resources are going,  above  is a 5 min. film explaining the ShelterBox concept and what you are actually contributing to when you give to this organization. It is called ShelterBox: A Decade of Disaster Relief. It is inspirational.

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