Friday, March 18, 2011

Haiku My Heart: Prayers and True Heart Offerings for Japan

Japanese ChildMirror, Mirror

For just above in the shadow
you’ll find it hidden, a curved arm
of rock holding the water close to the mountain,
a just-lit surface smoothing a scattering of coins,
and in the niche above, notes to the dead
and supplications for those who still live.
Now you are alone with the transfiguration
and ask no healing for your own
but look down as if looking through time,
as if through a rent veil from the other
side of the question you’ve refused to ask,

and remember how as a child
your arms could rise and your palms
turn out to bless the world.

~ David Whyte ~


We , The Aquatic Angels Team, Are Here This Day To Ask you to Join Us in Offering the People of Japan Shelter,Comfort, Warmth and a Chance at Human Dignity in the Face of True Disaster . If You would like to Help  our team, Aquatic Angels,~ Simply Sponsor us, by clicking on any one of the 4 colored links in the poem by David Whyte above. Doing this will take you to a page for where you may donate whatever you can afford to help us in our goal to purchase one Shelterbox for $1,000 dollars (the cost of one box). One ShelterBox can provide Shelter, comfort, warmth, survival and dignity for an extended family of 10 people! We want to offer hope to children and families who currently do not see a brighter tomorrow! Thank you for your kindness and compassion.

Below is a short film on ShelterBox to help you understand the value of this organization:

ShelterBox ~ A Decade of Disaster Relief

For more wonderful Haikus please visit Recuerda mi Corazon. We are a community that Acts locally but thinks Globally in unity with one another. Please join us!

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