Sunday, June 19, 2011

Postcards from Paradise: Velocity


Art LionseVelocity

If you live the life you love, you will receive shelter and blessings.  Sometimes the great famine of blessings in and around us derives from the fact that we are not living the life we love; rather, we are living the life that is expected of us.  We have fallen out of rhythm with the secret signature and light of our own nature.

John O'Donohue


For More Postcards from Paradise, Please visit Rebecca’ s Blog, recuerda mi corazon. You will be so glad you did!

Seasons by Erica Haowei Hu

Seasons is a surreal motion graphics animation based on the changing seasons. Beginning with spring, the richly hued illustrations in this work come alive as they transform in color and rhythmic tempo to reveal the full seasonal spectrum.


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