Friday, June 3, 2011

Haiku My Heart: Waterworld

onewaterWaterworld © Adrian Donoghue posted with kind permission


Behind the Dream Wall

Hope Floats Brightly, Light as Air

Splashing as it Falls.

~Noelle Renee 6-3-11


For More Haiku My Heart, Please visit Recuerda mi Corazon. It is Springtime there and wonderful things are happening!

PS22 chorus with “Ithacapella” sings “Imagine” by John Lennon originally done as a love song to Tucson in the wake of the tragedy that occurred there.

About the Photographer:

During the week I work as a Clinical Psychologist in private practice, however my weekends are spent exploring the streets of Melbourne. My work is influenced by the Australian artist Jeffrey Smart; I try to capture a surreal starkness of the urban landscape, often with the inclusion of a human form. Although there is now an indistinct line between photography and digital art, I hope the essence of my work remains the photographic capture, a moment in time captured through a photographer's eye. My work therefore is more in the tradition of street photography, however blended with elements of digital manipulation.

~Adrian Donoghue from

This image was taken at the water wall at the Melbourne Arts Centre, a very popular place for photography.

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