Thursday, February 24, 2011

Haiku My Heart: Thor’s Well


Thors2Thor’s Well©

At the Earth’s Great Heart

Lies a Well and a Fountain,

A White, Storm~Swelled Sea.

~Noelle Renee 2/24/11


Thor’s Well: How it’s Made

Thor’s Well is part of Cape Perpetua, a typical Pacific Northwest headland – a forested area of land on the central Oregon Coast, surrounded by water on three sides. Thor’s Well ( a giant sinkhole about 20 feet deep) is also often simply called the Spouting Horn. It alternately “launches and swallows water as if it were a living thing.”  It is essentially a huge salt water fountain operated by the Pacific Ocean's power. This natural spectacle is at its best when it’s the most dangerous to watch - at high tide or during winter storms(excerpt). 

*section in quotations from Miles Morgan’s board.

About the Photographer: 

Miles Morgan is new to photography this year,(became a member of in 2009) although he has dabbled with it since he was a child as his father is a professional photojournalist. He finds himself gravitating towards landscapes at a bit of an obsessive pace. His day job is as an Airline Pilot,  He is glad to have found  as the work there is completely inspiring. He feels honored to have a photo or two published at 1x.

(Wording here is from the photographer’s bio. the pronouns  and some minor verb tenses have been changed and one or two sentences omitted for brevity).

~Photo used by the kind permission of Miles Morgan~

For More Haiku My Heart, Please visit Recuerda mi Corazon. You will be thrilled that you did!

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