Thursday, June 30, 2011

Share the Joy Thursday: Where Beauty Starts


10842790-lg (1)Fireworks by Art Lionse with kind permission

Not to make loss beautiful,
But to make loss the place
Where beauty starts.  Where
the heart understands
For the first time
The nature of its journey

11097773-mdSt John’s Wort by Art Lionse with kind permission

Love, yes.  The body
of the beloved as the gift
Bestowed.  But only
Temporarily.  Given freely,
But now to be earned

10844193-mdDandelious By: Art Lionse with kind permission

Given without thought,
And now loss
Has made us thoughtful.

~ Gregory Orr ~

(Concerning The Book That Is the Body Of The Beloved)


For More Share the Joy Posts See Meri’s Musings

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