Thursday, November 18, 2010

Share the Joy: Cool Cat by Irina Minina


Cool Cat by Irina Minina

Bustopher Jones: The Cat about Town

Bustopher Jones is not skin and bones--
In fact, he's remarkably fat.
He doesn't haunt pubs--he has eight or nine clubs,
For he's the St. James's Street Cat!
He's the Cat we all greet as he walks down the street
In his coat of fastidious black:
No commonplace mousers have such well-cut trousers
Or such an impeccable back.
In the whole of St. James's the smartest of names is
The name of this Brummell of Cats;
And we're all of us proud to be nodded or bowed to
By Bustopher Jones in white spats!
--(an excerpt from T.S. Eliot’s Old Possum’s Book of Cats)



**When I saw this photo I couldn’t stop smiling, and Meri’s theme gave me such an opportunity to post it, so I am sharing the Joy! I love T.S. Eliot’s Old Possum’s Book of Cats and this photo seemed to fit so perfectly. Thanks to Meri of Meri’s Musings for this great idea of Sharing the Joy. We need a logo!

Guest photo from Please click on photo to go to original site. Thank you.

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